In most cases the need arises to terminate employees for various reasons such as end of contract, resignation , etc
In this tutorial  we will perform termination for a case scenario where we want to terminate employee but we want the terminated employee to be excluded  in the payroll period for which his / her termination date falls within the Pay Period and the process is not required to go through any appproval flow processes.

Follow below steps to terminate an employee
1. Login to Aruti and Click on Employee Master as per below screenshot 

2. Go to Operations --->  Click on the down pointed sign as per below screenshot

3. Go to Employee Movement ---> Termination

4. Select the employee to be terminated ---> Effective date --> EOC Date (ie End of contract date) ---> Leaving date --> Actual date  ---> Specify the reason for the termination --> Tick exclude from Payroll Process for EOC date / Leaving date

5.  Click No if you do want to assign any termination benefits otherwise Click Yes to assign termination benefits 

If you choose No Option then automatically the process will be completed and you are done. 
However, if you choose Yes, you will be presented with next window to assign any pre-defined benefits